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英語 広島 演説


我々は戦争そのものへの考え方を変えなければならない。外交の力で紛争を防ぎ、紛争が起きたら終わらせようと努力をすべきだ。国と国が相互依存関係を深めるのは、平和的な協力のためで、暴力的な競争のためではない。軍事力によってではなく、何を築き上げるかで国家を評価すべきだ。そして何にも増して、同じ人類として、互いのつながりを再び考えるべきだ。それが、人間が人間たるゆえんだ。. だから我々はこの場所を訪れる。広島の真ん中に立ち、原爆が落とされた時に思いをはせる。目の前の光景に子どもたちが味わった恐怖を感じる。. Hiroshima teaches this truth. 詳しくはこちら. We may not realize this goal in my lifetime, but persistent effort can roll back the possibility of catastrophe. しかし我が米国をはじめとする核保有国は、恐怖の理論から逃れ核兵器のない世界を目指す勇気を持たなければならない。私の生きているうちには、この目標を達成することはできないかもしれない。しかしたゆまぬ努力により惨劇の可能性を後退させることはできる。. How often does material advancement or social innovation blind us to this truth? The United States and Japan forged not only an alliance, but a friendship that has won far more for our people that we can ever claim through war. この理想を実現することは米国内の米国市民であっても、決して簡単なことではない。しかし、この物語を実現することは、努力に値する。それは努力して、世界中に広められるべき理想の物語だ。. Those who died, they are like us. Those who died, they are like us. We stand here in the middle of this city and force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art. It fuels our moral imagination, it allows us to change.

The United States and Japan forged not only an alliance, but a friendship that has won far more for our people that we can ever claim through war. 世界の文明の歴史は穀物不足や黄金への欲望、民族主義や宗教的熱意といった理由で、戦争で満ちている。帝国は台頭し、衰退した。人々は支配されたり解放されたりしてきた。節目節目で苦しんできたのは罪の無い人々であり、数え切れない彼らの名前は時とともに忘れ去られてきた。. Every great religion promises a pathway to love and peace and righteousness. Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? 有料会員の方のみご利用になれます。保存した記事はスマホやタブレットでもご覧いただけます。, 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself. They ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become. « プリンスの『We are the world』不参加の理由~NHK『songs』と英語情報 | 欧州の国々は連合体を築き、戦場を商業と民主主義の連帯(の地)に変えた。抑圧された人々や国々は自由を得た。国際社会は戦争を回避し、核兵器を制限、削減、ついには廃絶するための機構や条約を作った。. They ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become. 我々全員は、すべての人間が持つ豊かな価値やあらゆる生命が貴重であるという主張、我々が人類という一つの家族の一員だという、極端だが必要な観念を語っていかなければならない。. When the choices made by nations, when the choices made by leaders reflect this simple wisdom, then the lesson of Hiroshima is done.

Mere words cannot give voice to such suffering. 数年の間におよそ6千万人の命が奪われた。我々と変わらない男性や女性、子供たちが銃撃され、打たれ、連行され、爆弾に巻き込まれた。投獄されたり、飢えたり、ガス室に送り込まれたりした。. | 近代の戦争や広島(での原爆被害)はこの真実を告げている。科学の進歩に見合うだけ人間社会に進歩がなければ破滅が訪れる。原子核の分裂を可能にした科学の進化と同様、道徳の進化も求められている。. The wars of the modern age teach us this truth. トップページ That is a future we can choose, a future in which Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known not as the dawn of atomic warfare, but as the start of our own moral awakening. We listen to a silent cry.

How easily do we learn to justify violence in the name of some higher cause? That is why we come to this place. When the choices made by nations, when the choices made by leaders reflect this simple wisdom, then the lesson of Hiroshima is done. しかし、この空に上がったキノコ雲の姿は、人類が持つ矛盾を強く思い起こさせる。我々を人類たらしめる思考、想像力、言語、道具を作る能力、我々を自然と区別し、自然を自らの意志に従わせる能力は、大きな破壊的な力も生み出した。. But the memory of the morning of August 6, 1945 must never fade. In the span of a few years some 60 million people would die: men, women, children -- no different than us, shot, beaten, marched, bombed, jailed, starved, gassed to death. Their thinkers had advanced ideas of justice and harmony and truth, and yet the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes, an old pattern amplified by new capabilities and without new constraints. And yet that is not enough, for we see around the world today how even the crudest rifles and barrel bombs can serve up violence on a terrible scale.

We can think of those things and know that those same precious moments took place here 71 years ago. Ordinary people understand this, I think. Nations arise telling a story that binds people together in sacrifice and cooperation, allowing for remarkable feats, but those same stories have so often been used to oppress and dehumanize those who are different. Still, every act of aggression between nations, every act of terror and corruption and cruelty and oppression that we see around the world shows our work is never done. We remember all the innocents killed across the arc of that terrible war, and the wars that came before, and the wars that would follow. Their souls speak to us. Their thinkers had advanced ideas of justice and harmony and truth, and yet the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes, an old pattern amplified by new capabilities and without new constraints. And yet no religion has been spared from believers who have claimed their faith has a license to kill. Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art. 71年前のよく晴れた雲のない朝、空から死が降ってきて世界は変わった。閃光(せんこう)と火の壁が町を破壊し、人類が自らを滅ぼす手段を手にしたことを示した。. Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us. We may not be able to eliminate man's capacity to do evil, so nations and the alliances that we formed must possess the means to defend ourselves.

It is not the fact of war that sets Hiroshima apart. The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well. それが我々が選びうる未来だ。そして、その未来の中で広島と長崎は、核戦争の夜明けとしてではなく、我々の道義的な目覚めの始まりとして記憶されるだろう。, 私の一番のおすすめ英語学習アプリは、United Intelligence の「動画英文法2700」です。1,200円という値段で、2700問全てに解説の動画がついています。重要な項目については、例文を変えて繰り返しでてきますので、学習を進めていくうちに、いつのまにか覚えられます。そして、英文法をもとに、英文を理論的に解読していく力が養われます。 We can choose. We can chart a course that leads to the destruction of these stockpiles, we can stop the spread to new nations, and secure deadly materials from fanatics. Still, every act of aggression between nations, every act of terror and corruption and cruelty and oppression that we see around the world shows our work is never done. But those same discoveries can be turned into ever more efficient killing machines. Science allows us to communicate across the seas, fly above the clouds, to cure disease and understand the cosmos. 平成28年5月27日(金)、オバマ大統領がアメリカの大統領としてはじめて被爆地広島を訪問しました。この歴史的な日におこなわれた素晴らしいスピーチを、英語の勉強に活かしたいと思い、記録として残しておくことにしました。, President Obama Participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony. We come to ponder a terrible force unleashed in the not so distant past. We must change our mindset about war itself -- to prevent conflicts through diplomacy and strive to end conflicts after they've begun; to see our growing interdependence as a cause for peaceful cooperation and not violent competition; to define our nations not by our capacity to destroy but by what we build. これまでの長い歴史の中において、多くの政治家や著名人が世界中のあらゆる場所で数々の有名なスピーチ・演説を行ってきました。この記事では、有名なスピーチをその英文だけでなく和訳とともにご紹介します。ぜひ自分のお気に入りを見つけて下さいね! That memory allows us to fight complacency. Yet in the image of a mushroom cloud that rose into these skies, we are most starkly reminded of humanity's core contradiction -- how the very spark that marks us as a species, our thoughts, our imagination, our language, our tool making, our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will -- those very things also give us the capacity for unmatched destruction. It is worth protecting and then extending to every child. And since that fateful day we have made choices that give us hope. In the span of a few years some 60 million people would die: men, women, children -- no different than us, shot, beaten, marched, bombed, jailed, starved, gassed to death. On every continent the history of civilization is filled with war, whether driven by scarcity of grain or hunger for gold, compelled by nationalist fervor or religious zeal. That memory allows us to fight complacency. Our early ancestors, having learned to make blades from flint and spears from wood, used these tools not just for hunting but against their own kind. Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us. 広島を際立たせているのは戦争という事実ではない。歴史的な遺物をみれば、暴力による争いが初期の人類からあったことが分かる。我々の初期の祖先は石から刃物を作り、木からヤリを作る方法を学んだ。こうした道具を狩りだけでなく、同じ人類に対しても用いるようになった。. Seventy-one years ago, on a bright cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed. We come to mourn the dead, including over 100,000 Japanese men, women and children, thousands of Koreans and a dozen Americans held prisoner.

We may not realize this goal in my lifetime, but persistent effort can roll back the possibility of catastrophe. We may not be able to eliminate man's capacity to do evil, so nations and the alliances that we formed must possess the means to defend ourselves. Among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them. An international community established institutions and treaties that worked to avoid war and aspired to restrict and roll back and ultimately eliminate the existence of nuclear weapons. The world was forever changed here, but today the children of this city will go through their day in peace. That is why we come to Hiroshima, so that we might think of people we love, the first smile from our children in the morning, the gentle touch from a spouse over the kitchen table, the comforting embrace of a parent. That is why we come to Hiroshima, so that we might think of people we love, the first smile from our children in the morning, the gentle touch from a spouse over the kitchen table, the comforting embrace of a parent. There are many sites around the world that chronicle this war -- memorials that tell stories of courage and heroism, graves and empty camps that echo of unspeakable depravity. 平成28年5月27日(金)、オバマ大統領がアメリカの大統領としてはじめて被爆地広島を訪問しました。この歴史的な日におこなわれた素晴らしいスピーチを、英語の勉強に活かしたいと思い、記録として残しておくことにしました。 当日の様子は、以下の動画で見られます。 Yet in the image of a mushroom cloud that rose into these skies, we are most starkly reminded of humanity's core contradiction -- how the very spark that marks us as a species, our thoughts, our imagination, our language, our tool making, our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will -- those very things also give us the capacity for unmatched destruction. 彼らの魂は我々に内面を見つめ、我々が何者であるか、これからどのようになっていくのかを考えるように語りかけている。. A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself.

It is worth protecting and then extending to every child. It fuels our moral imagination, it allows us to change. 遺伝情報のせいで、同じ過ちを繰り返してしまうと考えるべきではない。我々は過去から学び、選択できる。過去の過ちとは異なる物語を子どもたちに語ることができる。我々は同じ人間であると伝え、戦争を今よりも起きにくくし、残虐さが簡単には受け入れられなくなるような物語だ。. But those same discoveries can be turned into ever more efficient killing machines.

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